
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Words of Wisdom about Confrontation

If you have a tendency to avoid confronting people when necessary (which i used to..), my advice is to pray for BOLDNESS. and the ability to confront the situation with the correct spirit.
Talk to God and express what you would like to say to the person, how what they did or said made you feel, and be honest with how you REALLY would like to respond to the situation while praying. Then express to God how you would like the person to recieve what you are saying during the confronation and what you want the end result to be. Do you want them to be offended? Confused? Do you want a resolution? Or do you want them to see your point? Don't go into a confrontation trying to "right."

Remember that however you mean it in your heart, is how it will come off to the person whether you are aware of it or not. So make sure you give yourself enough time to address these questions inside of yourself. It may take an hour, or a day, but I feel you should definitely take a moment for proper inventory of the situation and yourself.

Sometimes we have to curb our tendency to become overly emotional when we feel wronged. Especially if you are raging pissed or hot headed by nature...DNT SAY A WORD lol. 9 times out of 10 your first impression or reaction will be an OVER reaction, so do yourself the favor and wait before you say anything right then. Walk away if u have to, you can always come back and apologize for doing so...

If you are the one being confronted, first you want to LISTEN to what the person has to say, and then, let it marinate.... When some of the flames of emotion have died down within you, come back to confront the person that has confronted you, after you have taken the time to listen, marinate, and consider all sides. Prayer helps a BUNCH!! Trust me!! lol

Hopefully this helps a little. This is only advice from my personal experience.
You know you have done it the right way when no unsettling feelings about the situation remain.
Remember, if you are going to stand for truth, not only its theory, but its life application, its gonna take some humbling and its gonna take some growth!!

Comment with ur thoughts or experience of confronting others or thoughts on ways you were confronted by others! :)

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