My daughter goes to a performing arts camp in the summer, so this year they did their rendition of the musical play, "Hair Spray." It was actually called "Hair Spritz" lol (which i suggested but had no idea they would actually use it! lol) and it was soooo ADORABLE. She was cast to be one of the "cool kids in town" lol along with two other girls. So she had about 3 scenes of dancing where they had them do these super cute sixties routines---OMG! Adorable!!!
Anyway, just wanted to share the hairstyle I did on her for the play, hope you like! It literally took 15mins. to do and she had a lot of fun with it!
Here is the outfit I put together for one of the school scenes lol The rest of the wardrobe was provided (I just used whatever she had in her closet already lol)
Not the clearest of pictures but below is the wall of cast member headshots. There were way more but would have had to take a couple pics to include all, so here is just a snap shot. But you get the idea lol
Do you know any kids that love theater arts? Any tips for getting better at stage nerves??
Ok, so my sister sent me this link to the story of this uh-MAAAYzing girl named Carly Fleischmann who has autism. She was never able to speak or communicate with others, she is now do so immensely through the help of a computer. She has gone on to co-author a book and is now taking gifted classes. This is a girl who doctors and specialists says she would NEVER reach a IQ level of a six year old--and that was with great optimism! Well she surely proved them ALL wrong!!
On her website ( you can read this little synopsis of her story but it goes much more beyond this:
"At the age of two, Carly Fleischmann was diagnosed with severe autism and an oral motor condition that prevented her from speaking. Doctors predicted that she would never intellectually develop beyond the abilities of a small child. Although she made some progress after years of intensive behavioral and communication therapy, Carly remained largely unreachable. Then, at the age of ten, she had a breakthrough."
"While working with her devoted therapists Howie and Barb, Carly reached over to their laptop and typed in "HELP TEETH HURT," much to everyone's astonishment. This was the beginning of Carly's journey toward self-realization." (Source
I have an 11year old nephew who is autistic and barely speaks, but when you look into his eyes, you just KNOW there is soooo much more there and that he WANTS to tell us and show us, but his autism makes it very difficult for him to do so. Carly's perseverance and breakthrough gives all families with loved ones with autism hope and insight. Her "voice" is nothing short of divine intervention if you ask me.
Here are some things I learned from reading and watching her story:
First, social media is an awesome tool when used for the right purposes. Carly really was able to find her voice by using a computer and found a sense of connection and belonging through social media that she once longed for, but could never express. She has found her calling and purpose BEYOND the limitations of her illness, and technology and social media has helped her to get there.
Second, you can't always accept a doctors prognosis as an end-all-be-all to your life, they are only capable of telling you what they have been trained to do so. But if they don't know, then they will give you their "best answer" but YOU as the PARENT, must know your child, and trust your God-given instinct as well.
Third, we are more than meets the eye. On the outside, Carly appears to obviously be autistic and/or mentally retarded and incoherent of what is going on around her. Key word--APPEARS. When reading her writings and seeing how she pushes herself, helped me to realize that we are more than the physical manifestation of our bodies. And all we are called to do is BE OURSELVES--not based on appearances but who we really are inside. If we would focus on beautifying the inside as much as we do the outside, how much more beautiful would we be?? We are so much more than our outward appearances and if people have a problem with that, then let them keep it as their problem.
Fourth, we just can't judge people. We don't know as much as we think we know. There are sooo many truths out there we except as false just because WE don't understand them. Truth is the truth. whether we CHOOSE to believe it, or something otherwise. The truth is, that this girl was NOT stupid, dumb, or retarded, as everyone presumed her to be b/c of her illness; She was actually quite gifted and intelligent--just stuck in a body that she has no control over.
And Fifth, nothing is impossible. If you work hard enough, and refuse to back down, you WILL reach your goal. Carly is living proof.
You can connect with this amazing, talented, and gifted young women by visiting these links:
Hey Lovelies! I just wanted to send my apologies over the network to all who have visited my blog, looking and expecting updated posts, but found none...for the past few months! lol So SORRY! I have been super busy and kind of dreading it, but I am back! and hope you can look forward to reading my blog again! Much love and appreciation! You can expect new posts at least once a month for sure! Love you guys so much and thanks for reading!! Please subcribe, follow, and comment--it really encourages me when you do-so help a sista out! lol Thanks again!!