Hey! This blog actually came from one of my friends asking where she could find a boyfriend jacket in like every color- but for cheap! I did a little research and found some at Sears for like 30 bucks! I checked on Nordstrom.com and found a really cute one for $48 bucks!! this was in the juniors section tho!:) And a really funky navy blue one with a zipper on the side at JCPenny.com Here are some pics from the sites... Comment if you found this helpful!! Also, lemme know some more things you wanna know about! Fashion trends, skin-care, health and beauty, acne problems---ANYTHING!! I will post the answers on my blog!! Cya!
Bluefly.com Nordstrom.com Sears.com
$117 $48 $29.99
Rampage @ Amazon.com Amazon.com
$59.99 $66.00